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Low Level Aviation Photographs

By Alan Chadwick

Fixed wing VSTOL (vertical or short take off and landing) aircraft used by both the RAF and Royal Navy. Sadly withdrawn as a results of the Defence Review at the end of 2010, these are from my first visits to the Loop, and also on one occasion at Rainbow Canyon.

To Tornado F3 ➤

har-001 har-002 har-003 har-004 har-005 har-006 har-007 har-008 har-009 har-010 har-011 har-012 har-013 har-014 har-015 har-016 har-017 har-018 har-019 har-020 har-021 har-022 har-023 har-024 har-025 har-026 har-027 lightbox effect jqueryby VisualLightBox.com v6.1

Harrier GR9/9A