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Low Level Aviation Photographs

By Alan Chadwick


Every year in October, the Swiss Airforce  puts on a unique air show in the mountains above the small winter sports resort of Axalp above Lake Brienz at the Axalp-Ebenfluh firing range at an elevation of  over 2000 metres. It is unique because the planes actually undertake live firing during the show.  The event takes place over two days where F-5E Tiger and F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets undertake formation flying and low passes as well as undertaking live firing at targets on the mountainside. Other aircraft also take part in the event. The event is supposedly to demonstrate the air forces capabilities to the Swiss public, but because of the spectacular location and live firing, it has become a mecca for aviation enthusiast from all over Europe. Access to the viewing points is only possible by hiking for several hours up a steep mountainside and it is necessary to start before dawn to get there in time.

To  St Stefan 2017➤

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